so ive been preparing myself from the morning to embark on my arduous journey home by the public transport system (i ordinarily have no problems taking the bus, but when my house is about 6mins drive away and it takes me 30mins to get home, thats when it annoys me). until i bullied isaac into sending me home. hurhur. i have such great friends.
and so im in starbucks. haha. i saw these really cute sisters and sitting in front of me now are a set of really cute little brothers. hahahahaa. its funny to watch how kids run around. its amusing to watch them eat. i see joy written all over their faces. hur. i still see the same joy in my big ol brother when he eats. HUR. even though hes not as cute. hahahaa. food is one of those simple and great joys of life. :D
and im thinking about how incredibly blessed i am. i have been given so many things. things others cannot even dream of. ive been given, most of all, a heart that is open to the Lord's Word. sunday's evening msg (which i listened to on my ipod! haha) was one of those smack in the face msges. and im reminded. how prone we all are to the degeneration of the heart. when you think 'oh i know it all' or 'ive heard that before. im teaching. im good. i know everything' or 'everyone else is incompetent, im the best person to teach. i dont need to learn im already the best.' thats when the degeneration of the heart begins. pastor said the hardest people to teach are pastors, sunday school teachers, committee members. cos we know. or rather, we think we know. and that inhibits us from coming with prepared, humble hearts to listen, to absorb, and to grow. and i think this consciousness of the need to grow is so much more evident to me in Bethany. i could talk to christians friends, but many, many, think they already know it all and theres nothing left to learn. for your information, you are DEAD WRONG. think that, and youre on the path of destruction.
you who think you know it all. until you can recite the entire Bible to me from start to end, you are no where near. (and even then, there'll be so much more to learn) and while i remind myself, i remind you too, cos youre in hot soup if you think so. so. stop thinking youre good. youre not. degeneration of the heart has already begun. fight it, or it will degenerate to the point where there is nothing left.
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