i have learnt three very important lessons over yesterday and today. (: forgive me if i go on and on!
first was the torts test that [very thankfully] ended yesterday at 4.05pm. i began freaking out when i found out we had a test like. two and a half weeks ago. i need to be LESS BLUR seriously i never know whats going on. but it was hard work preparing for the test. especially during the mid-sem break that wasnt much of a break cos i got scared when i found out everyone was mugging like crazy and i'd happily wasted monday and tuesday away. it was a process that took alot of discipline on my part not to give up and to keep praying for strength to do all things to the praise of His glory, and STILL, on thursday when i was discussing some issues with my tg mates i still felt like i knew NUTS about everything. its been my first actual test in. almost 10 months!! worse for the boys, they've not held a pen for two years. haha at least i still write when i journal or take notes during service and ypg on weekends ;)
when i went into the lt it was just kinda silent. usually law students make loads of noise, but yesterday was different. some people even brought CLOCKS. i was like ?!??! relax man its just a test. haha but well i brought jones and kidner of which i used none and a bunch of notes that i didnt even look at, so, who am i to talk haha. anw, ive got this little 'ritual' i do before every test and exam. haha THAT IS, when the teacher says 'you may begin', i listen to the frantic flipping of the papers, and i bow my head to pray. people usually whisper hurried prayers before the paper begins, but i guess this is just my way of telling the Lord im learning to trust You and so this prayer is worth giving up some time for. but when you really think about it, whats a minute or so if it helps still your heart? i prayed for peace and much focus, and that i wouldnt faint when i flipped the paper over. haha. but it was good, cos i didnt panic even though i spent more than half an hour on 1 issue. haha im not sure how im gonna do for this test, but like i committed the time in the lt to the Lord, so will i leave the results in His hands (: and so, i learnt the lesson of committing what i have into His hands (:
the next thing that struck me was hearing of michael's passing on friday morning. since kenneth told me about michael and angie on monday, there was a special burden in my heart and i was just conscious of remembering to keep them in prayer each day. [i must confess, i dont always remember to pray specifically for everyone. BAD. working on it. (:] one of the things i prayed for was that angie would see the family spirit we have in Bethany and just be able to find a place in this family. and i think she did. during the wake on friday night, there were almost 100 people in attendance, and only about 3 or 4 were unfamiliar faces. even though we knew neither michael nor angie, having not seen or spoken to them before friday, we went. and i smiled to myself when i saw the hall filled with people. people that were determined to show their support to someone that had just lost almost everything she had. Bethany was that family to her, and my heart was touched. and i remember why i bother travelling halfway around the world to go to Bethany a few times each week. because we're different. God's kind of church, where God is touching lives, and people care for people.
today, during the funeral service, pastor mark gave a msg from john about the mansions of glory promised to us when we finally reach Heaven, and he talked about the 3 homes each of us have. 1. our family home 2. our spiritual home, the church. 3. our heavenly home. (: and i think shes found a new spiritual home. i hope she has (: and ive learnt to appreciate in a fresh new way what it means to stand by each other in hard times and offer our support with the love He has given to us.
after the wake on friday, some of us went to celebrate the mooncake festival and eat mooncakes very yummily made by michelle and mike! we all went a little mad on the swings and playing with sparklers [i am sad there were no laterns :'(]
mad huimin on the swings ;p
kathy and me going even MADDER ;0
man being extremely retarded. [psst. she thinks everyone is in love with her! alba-delicious AHAHAHAH]
pastor mitch being young with us hahahah
man acting chio AGAIN.
zheehwee and her sparkler. haha princess like me! :D
princess! hahahahah
rie trying to kill someone. hahahah
in one night, i experienced for myself how we can stand by each other in times of pain and how we can uplift each other by doing crazy things together. haha and i love Bethany for all it is to me (:
haha okay im done with rambling. haha more soon ;) law school is exciting, really. i have funny friends haha (:
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