huggles koh wants the one that says '100% HUGGABLE" for his birthday. -_-
he even found me a carebear website to get shirts from -_-
as are all of us. gosh. the research binder is driving me almost insane. i spent the entire day fretting over case summaries and what to include in oour binder and noting up and AHHHH. all these irresponsible people that take the case citators and leave them on your desk whilst youre doing other things. can you PLEASE be a little more considerate, spare a thought for everyone else whos running round the library trying to find the book when you arent even using it. i spent half the day yelling [yes yelling.] myself hoarse in the library trying to find the case citators.
before i left for school today, i memorised the first four verses of the memory passage for this month.
"and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. for whom He foreknew, these He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. for whom He predestined, these He also called. whom He called, these He also justified. and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
what then shall we say to all these things? if God is for us, who shall be against us?"
but when i went to school and started doing my binder, i realised that the word 'patience' is not yet part of my vocabulary.
today's a lesson.
a big one.
how stressed up i can get when things start piling up and people are getting tense and work isnt completed and all.
i remember how zou li made me cry during pw!!!
haha yes i remember.
and if things dont start moving along real quick i just might do that again.
hahahaha okay i wont. i will remember. the joy of the Lord is my strength. my strength. that will guard the floodgates of my eyes so they wont burst open THE NEXT TIME SOMEONE KOPES THE CASE CITATORS.
this is my thought for the day. that i hope to bring into tomorrow!
love has a heartbeat, and grace has a face. (:
if God is for us, who can be against us?
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