heh min is v funny she suddenly called me last night and asked if i wanted a blue dress cos she said it looked more 'promish' heh remains to be seen if i'll actually wear it i mean hello its min's size it couldnt get any smaller ;p
to top it all off my mum insists that they wont let me in if i wear flipflops so now i have to go in heels grr if i fall down im just gonna laugh until my sides split :'(
my head is painful. maybe i wont go for prom after all -rubs hands in glee- ying expects to see me there in a GOWN hm. heh and she dreamt i er got kidnapped or something like that so she got so scared and had to check how i was heh like how i grabbed glycerol and hugged him like forever after i dreamt that he died :'(
i guess its little things like that that really teach me to lean on the Lord. when Jesus is all you have, you realise that Jesus is all you need. im still learning to trust in His providence through tough times and i know that He will keep me, through it all but sometimes, human as i am i sometimes fail to look towards the highercalling and the prize and goal of that call. last night i had this really bad dream that i got back my o's cert and i got like 17 points and i couldnt go anywhere i wanted to :'( and i really wonder, if that really happened to me, would i still be able to trust? its about four months till the results come out and i know full well that anything can happen and i know how important it is for me to keep trusting and place my all into His hands, cos once i cross that line, once i turn away, theres no turning back.
i would rather this- i have chosen to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
d1's quote- someone is speaking but she doesnt know He's there. keep praying for the shes and hes in your life, for always (:
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