walking on Sonshine!

little by little one step at a time, He's changing my heart and renewing my mind (: teaching me how to be patient and kind little by little one step at a time! (:

Sunday, October 23, 2005

was listening to the bbc just now and it made me feel really sad cos it was about this 16year old boy and his 7year old sister who just lost her arm cos it was crushed under rubble in the earthquake. and they have four other younger brothers and sisters which they've lost and cant find cos they simply dont have the money. and i really wish we could do more. mommy said we have to call the redcross or some charitable organisation to donate, i just hope everything gets there fast. and it kinda scares me that recently there've been so many natural disasters and with the bird flu and all its kinda in the face that its the last days and we really havent much time left. not that we all go pack our bags and sell the house and sit in the streets and wait for the rapture to happen but. it scares me to think how many of those i love that have yet to know the Lord.

i just called my grandma and tried to bug her into going for church and Bible study this week and rarh she hasnt been going for quite awhile and it kinda worries me. i still remember the day when she told me she believed i was insanely happy now im not so sure cos im really worried that shes doubting and shes not asking. cos when you dont ask the questions just eat away at you and destroy you. before she hung up i said 'i love you' and she said 'i love you too i love you you love me!' then she laughed. haha shes so cute and i really do thats why i worry.

studying for the a's just doesnt seem so pressing anymore but i still do have my responsibility and im gonna do it with joy! the joy of the Lord IS my strength, and may it always be so. (:

and i think believing in the power of prayer is something so essential during this period, and i really want to learn to be still, pray and meditate. which is really hard sometimes but i've seen it's power and i want so much to believe fully, wholly, completely in it. Lord i believe, help me unbelief.

i've got good reason to be happy today,
the Lord took all my sins away!
i cant help singin' what a wonderful day,
since i found the Lord. (: