i had a million and one thoughts to pen down this morning. haha now i think i forgot more than half. hahah plus i left my journal in the car! and im lazy to get it so lets see how much i remember from this mornings msg ;p and i was VERY struck by it.
todays msg was on revelation3. i think it was and IS very timely reminder to all of us to be watchful, to guard against the sneaky ways of the evil one and make sure our spiritual life is ALWAYS vibrant, abundant and alive.
rev3 talks about the dead church of sardis, rev3:1 "...I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." Pastor reminded us to always guard against the danger of that happening in Bethany. when you rest on your laurels and think youre all well and good, thats when you begin to crumble- and the worst part is youre gonna think youre okay.
hahah pastor always tells funny jokes hahah and its just the WAY he said it that i found so hilarious but he was talking about how there are really obvious sign-posts that point 'TO THE CITY OF DEATH' and we are supposed to RUN the moment we see those signs not go 'oh! lets have a look-see.' hahah i found that really funny i dont know why. but REALLY. thats what most of us tend to do, we have a 'look-see' and before we know it, we're halfway down the road that leads to spiritual death, and we DONT EVEN KNOW IT.
throughout the course of his msg, pastor kept emphasizing the fact that we have to look WITHIN OURSELVES. we just love the pointingfingers game dont we? we have 20/20 vision when we're watching someone else, but its a little blurry when we're looking at ourselves. rev3:2 "be WATCHFUL, and strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die , for I have not found your works perfect before God." and i was just. struck all over again by the importance which we should place on our faith and growth, and how little emphasis ive been placing on growing in the knowledge of Him since school started. when rie and i were talking yest, we concluded that everyone just became a little more 'depressed' since school started and growth in faith seems to be slowing down..and maybe even stagnating? i dont know. but its a scary thought. to think youre okay when youre not.
and of course, pastor saved the scariest thought for last.
rev3:5 "he who overcomes shall be clothed with white garments, and i will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels."
what if you THOUGHT you were okay, but youre not? what if you THOUGHT your salvation was sure despite your choosing to follow the ways of the world but you were wrong? what if, what if..i never want to stay within the categories of 'what ifs'. i want to be sure. and the natural result of that, is to be overwhelmed with desire to serve Him, know Him and love Him. hahah funny, auntie asked us what we thought 'service' was about today.
hahah BUT there were also churches that succeeded, like the church of smyrna in rev2. rev2:10 "do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. BE FAITHFUL until death, and I will give you the crown of life." the challenge to be faithful, and the great rewards that are in store if we do (:
oh yes and my side-thought about service. hahah i think the cleaning-up ministry- wiping the tables, sweeping & mopping the floor and carrying chairs and tables is the only ministry that REALLY reminds me to be humble. the ministry that reminds me we really are SERVANTS of God, and teaches me to learn to cultivate a 'quiet and gentle spirit' that is very precious in the sight of God (: its always easier to serve in "glam" ministries like the youth choir or serving in the ypg comm [which i still think is such a cool ministry!! ;p] when all you have to do is sing, do funny actions or chair. but its harder to clean the tables and have your hands smelling like a horrendous concoction of detergentleftovergravyfromlunch and whatever else was served. hahah i hope kenneth doesnt kill me for making service in the ypg comm sound even remotely trivial cos its not. oh dear. i hope he doesnt read this or hes going to make me chair for the next twenty saturdays! haha but ANW you get the point im trying to make. yea! im reminded of the need to be strong and steadfast. to be faithful to the things ive promised and be strong till the end ;)
yeaaaaaaaa and its monday again! its 12.06am and as usual, people are chasing me offline, telling me its 'way past my bedtime'. which is true. hahah okay YES strength for the week! "he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." -revelation3:6 I WILL BE STRONG ;)
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