walking on Sonshine!

little by little one step at a time, He's changing my heart and renewing my mind (: teaching me how to be patient and kind little by little one step at a time! (:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

on the bus today i was thinking about what it means to love someone. and how when you reallyreallyreallyreallyreally love someone you'd do anything for that person. its not about expecting reciprocation or things in return. though 'unrequited love' does sound kinda sad, thats what unconditional love is like, not expecting anything in return.

human love is never like that, i guess.

corinthian, agape love, never ceases to amaze me. love that is patient, kind, long-suffering, not self-seeking, gentle.
im appreciating His hand in my life again. (:
i looked out at the grassfield outside the library today, and i felt His love.
color. what made God take so much care to make creation glow? He could have made it black and white and we'd have never known.

cherie: you want doughnuts from the doughnut factory?
cherie: 2 hours, but we were having project meeting along the way.
me: what flavors!
cherie: apple cinnamon, peanut-butter glazed, chocolate glazed.
me: i want apple cinnamon!
cherie: okay but you must give me a bite
me: of course :D

hahahhahaha. this reminds me of the -what made you give your last cookie away- song! haha. and well, though human love doesnt always measure up, some comes pretty close. (: