walking on Sonshine!

little by little one step at a time, He's changing my heart and renewing my mind (: teaching me how to be patient and kind little by little one step at a time! (:

Monday, June 11, 2007

yaye i finally finished uploading my japan photos!

alot of things have made me very happy this weekend (:

first, chris and aldine's wedding!
we spent half the wedding laughing.
all the bloopers:
1. pastor to aldine's dad when he was giving her away: okay you can let go now!
2. pastor to chris while he's taking his wedding vows: chris im going to talk to you now you can take your eyes off her
3. aldine trying to put the wedding ring on chris' right finger -_-

mwahahahhahahha. so funny. they are so cute.

after the wedding, little gabriel came up to me and started pulling my hand like crazy. haha. hes not so little anymore so my hand is painful. hahahah he bought me this little minnie mouse keychain from the hk disneyland. haha. his mom came to talk to me and said he insisted on buying it for meee (awwwww.) haha. but he bullies me all the time so i guess this makes up for it. (: haha!

we taught new songs at children's worship2 yesterday. hahahha. the boys were so cute cos they look so blur. but 'children of the King' went well!
but i slept on the very hard floor yesterday. my head is throbbing and my back is aching! :(

but God has been good. in so many ways (: