i have been faithfully doing finger exercises on my guitar.
hahahahah. it doesnt sound half bad anymore :D
even though i still cant play the F chord, its too hard.
caught the king and i yesterday with wjn. and the esplanade people are SO NIAO. we went to sit at the empty seats and they just had to chase us away cos they said those were better seats than we paid for -_- SERIOUSLY. what loss is it to you? one day during the holidays im going to write a letter of complaint so that they stop such ridiculous practices. if you want to pay 140dollars for a ticket, you pay not just for the enjoyment of the good seat, but also the GUARANTEE that there'll be a good seat for you. if you pay less, and its a full house, its a full risk you bear that you may not get as good seats for a lower price. so if there are empty seats, HELLO SINGAPOREAN PEOPLE DONT BE IDIOTS. evidence of calculativeness of singaporeans. even in the arts scene. what do you lose if i sit at one seat compared to another? if it could be sold it'd be sold alr. i breathe the same air, i say the same things. you lose nothing calculative twits.
but anw it was really nice. i liked it alot, though it was a little long. (:
and i am in love with music. even though my fingers hurt. alotalotalot.
so anw, i was just thinking on psalm69 today. it's a beautiful psalm. i like (:
i watched a movie last night. it's called the last kiss or something. and i like it cos it's about honesty. you cannot fail if you dont give up. it's your choice. tell the truth.
lie, and you lose her.
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