emotive. unstable. you're like an unwinding cable car. listening for voices. but it's the choices, that make us who we are. go your own way, even seasons have changed. just burn those new leaves over. so SELF-ABSORBED you've seemed to ignore those prayers that have already come about.
this is the correlation of salvation and love
dont drop your arms
dont drop your arms, I'll guard your heart
with quiet words, I'll lead you in.
when you say a big prayer, expect a painful answer. painful, but good. (: creche 253pm prayer has been answered. not quite in the way i expected, but answered. (: i've felt a peace in my heart that ive not felt in a long time.
i had lunch with daryl today. hahahaa. we talked the woes of law school. and the superficiality of all thats around. but its okay, you know. these things dont get to me. im surrounded by His love everyday of my life. sometimes, i just need to open my eyes to see it. more precious than rubies. i will write this on the tablet of my heart.
theres no room for your name anymore.
my prayer list has gotten longer.
i believe in the power of prayer. when Moses prayed, God forgave an entire nation. when Elijah prayed, He sent fire from heaven. what's there not to believe?
so, selfish as it sounds, my prayers always begin with me. because i recognize how badly i need His grace in my life. and when im too tired, i pray just for me. cos i am weak. and there are some days when i lose the battles. and without prayer, i fall apart. do you?
if there comes a day when you stay together without prayer,
you dont see it,
but trust me.
you're falling apart inside.
but when you finally do.
put your hands together.
bow your head,
and pray.
you'll find you dont just cope
you OVERCOME. (:
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