im sitting in my chair squirming, waiting for the clt exam question to pop up on ivle.
it is 9.38am. the clock is ticking.
i spent a third of my afternoon making waffles yesterday (yes i have a waffle machine! woohoo! no more paying 10dollars for waffles at gelare)
cherie almost fainted cos she thought i went mad. hur 'who are you! since when do you make waffles when you have an exam the next day?!?! since when?!!?'
haha. life is not all about studying. i am going to stop squirming now. hahaha
i suddenly thought of what justin said to me on sunday and started laughing to myself. hurhur
he was running around being his cute little self. so i asked him where lorraine was, when she came bouncing over.
and he suddenly looked at me with his most serious face and said "zehzeh is the la police."
i burst out laughing and went "what!?"
"zehzeh is the la police!"
so i turned to lorraine and asked her what the "la police" was
and she very sweetly told me "mommy said we cannot say 'la'"
hahahaha. that was the highlight of my day.
okay i think i'd better go prepare myself. and pray. and be strong. and not keel over and die when i read the exam question.
God is the strength of my heart forever and ever more [haha.] (:
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