walking on Sonshine!

little by little one step at a time, He's changing my heart and renewing my mind (: teaching me how to be patient and kind little by little one step at a time! (:

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

haha rie says hello! shes wasting her phone bill and talking to me on her phone on the way home heh talking about all our rubbish! serious man eths like sup complicated but i knowwwwwww we'll survive (:

always and always we must remember to keep trusting (: gahhhhhh results are coming out on friday and yesss big test on trust and learning how to lean on Him, come what may. the why questions alwaysalways like to take control of my mind and sometimes it seriously kills when you see someone better then you and you ask why am i not that person or why am i not as good or whatever. haha but my new kids song i re-found in numberone's cd 'i just thank You Father for makin' me, me (: cos You gave me a heart, and You gave me a SMILE You gave me Jesus and You made me Your child, and i just thank You Father for makin' me, ME' :D

i still have a long way more, learning to give thanks in tough times, to trust when i cant see His hand or His plan. but i know that He loves me, that He loves us and thats ALL THAT MATTERS- in the end (: