walking on Sonshine!

little by little one step at a time, He's changing my heart and renewing my mind (: teaching me how to be patient and kind little by little one step at a time! (:

Friday, March 02, 2007

crim law assignment is finally over!! i am so happy. hahahhaa. i slept at 1am yesterday, which is pretty much a record for me. hahaha glenda slept at 5am -_- my goodness i would just die if i slept that little. hahahah. we went to have lunch and to cine to watch protege after. we spent about an hour in the apple shop sitting around, listening to ipods and talking. haha i think all the staff wanted to kill us and chase us out. and then it rainedandrainedandrained. but nice chris gave me a lift to church (: wheee! and i just ate prata. which is quite silly cos i need to start singing in abit. eeeeep.

hahahha okay. that was my rambling for the day so that benliew will read SOMETHING on my blog. now i will go on to my reflections for the week and this is where he stops reading. hahahaha

we had sunday school outing on wed!! hahahaha. i left the house at 630pm and trouped all the way to the back of united square to take 851 to bugis. and JUST BEFORE I LEFT i had amazing inspiration for my crim assignment, but i didnt have time to get it down, so, it was lost. :'( but its okay! haha. its over. anw it was rainingandrainingandrainingandraining like mad. hahha and i have to record the fact that i think there is some human love left in the world! haha. i was reading my crim law book on the bus and this old indian man came on board. he couldnt really walk properly so i got up and let him sit down. two seconds later, he got up and gave up his seat to a pregnant woman, who gave her seat to her young son. so sweeet (: but i was a little annoyed that the old man had to give up his seat. when there were so many other perfectly fit people sitting down. but oh well that was a nice look on the brighter side of the world (:

hahah okay now moving on to the substance of our sunday school outing.
haha. everytime we have sunday school outings im reminded to thank Him for my special friends. hahahha it sounds kinda ridiculous but i think the '87 bethany girls have a special bond. haha. its like we just manage to deal with each other and help each other and encourage each other all the time.
we had steamboat and the moment we sat down we started laughing like crazy over every single little thing i think i had enough exercise for the weekkkk
i like how we can share so freely with each other and i like that we have a common focus, a common faith, a common love that drives us to hang on and push each other on. never leave anyone behind. i like that (:

sidetracking for abit, i think aunty is VERY SNEAKY. she asks you vague questions and if you have a guilty conscience (like me) you go "HUH?!?!?! HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!?" when she was actually just fishing. grrr.

josh says ive been very emo and very stressed this past week. haha i think that is kinda true. ive been dwelling on what it means to really lean hard on the Lord and His strength. i had a few hard missions i set for myself this week. mission1 of surviving school is complete. mission2 of surviving and completing crim assignment is complete. mission3 is on its way to success. AND THE WEEKEND IS HERE!!!! hahahhha. so, He will give me strength to see mission3 to completion. (: and i have many more missions for the week ahead. i better start praying nowwwwwwwwwwwww.