when monday's company law exam is on my mind and ive got tons of stuff to read and revise and millions of soft copy articles over and above the actual syllabus, it is always a challenge to keep my promises to God. the non-negotiables, the service and the commitment. and i am never, never disappointed. you see the time you spend doing God's work is not time lost- its time gained. and i constantly need to remind myself to see things from that perspective. cos that is THE perspective, and no other one is right.
both Pastor's messages i heard today were amazing, impactful, left so many deep thoughts in my mind.
within that short span of two hours (that i spent away from my books *phew) i learnt a few things that made me stronger to get through the next two days:
1. I learnt that forgiveness comes a little easier when you see things from His view
2. I learnt that God honors me, loves me, and will "give men for me, and people for my life."
precious in His sight. we tend to assume that we ARE precious in His sight. and its true, but the truth of it doesnt mean that we should take it for granted.
but the question that really struck me was - is God precious in your sight?
that is a question i need to re-answer again. hurhur. we have all been charged with the responsibility of reading isaiah1-66 before saturday comes. hur. and i am gonna do it! after monday (:
i cant wait. !!! (: (:
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