haha i finally saw cass and joey today. we're all broke so we brought sandwiches and sat by the river and ate. we are SO cheapskate. haha and we watched a group sing at esplanade! the sop sounded so nice there was RESONANCE theres like none when i sing. GAH but oh well haha i will go for singing lessons soon! haha
have officially begun serving in ypg1 and it really is a joy! really. though it is kinda tiring cos i've been chairing the past two weeks and one more to go this week! but thankfully i have a gooooooodddd group and we all help each other and we all survive together! haha. easter concert prep is extremely serious this time round and its so exciting to see how we're gonna progress [fast i hope!] in the next few weeks (: the musical is so..deep. i guess we never fully understand the depth of His sacrifice. pastor's hw this week is looking at how we can apply the concepts we're learnt from romans1-8 into our daily lives. slowly but surely, i can see the Lord changing me [though i really do have a longggggggggg way to go before i become who He wants me to be] and i guess romans5 struck me the most when i was reading it today. through One Man's obedience, more were saved and justified through faith than the number condemned through one man's disobedience. and im beginning to understand much more what it means when it says in romans5:19 that where 'sin abounded, grace abounded much more'. (:
sometimes people say things that really cut and thats been happening alot recently and you realise that the friendships you hold dear to your heart arent as strong or as stable as you thought they were. lots of things have happened recently and after my mom started on me the other day i just sat down in my room and cried. but yet in my moments of weakness, when things around fail, i was reminded of the lesson of trust pastor preached during morning service. trust, with faith unshaken to do all for His glory. i guess some of the problems i face are self-created because i fail to look inwardly and deal with my own sin problems. talked to pastor mitch about it the other day and we both agreed i have to deal with myself first before i blame anyone else for the problems that occur. and then i decided for myself that i really really really should listen to what pastor mitch said and learn to be more gracious towards others. cos right now when things happen, its just me me me. IM hurt, IM this IM that. what about Him? thats what i ask myself now. what about HIS sacrifice, HIS blood, HIS love. will i ever be forgiven, if He dies because of me. and He has died for me and i AM forgiven. now and always. He paid the great price, who am i to judge?
a God bigger than my mind. in the world, not of the world.
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