boston with t milton and aunty shiao yee has been AWESOME.. nyc was great but this is so much better. for one, sleeping in the kids' playroom is like staying at a 5 star hotel after 7 nights in the most kick ass rundown nyc apartment ever. hahahah. but the best part has to be having ethan and nathan around (: they are the sweetest little darlings! ethan is tall and verrryyyy handsome now, nathan has grown lots and chatters non-stop all the time hurhur. i love having these energizer bunnies around all the time, kids are just awesome.
so i thought it was pretty apt that i read 1 Peter 2:1-3 again today
1 Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking,
2 as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby,
3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
when you hold a child, its a lovely feeling cos you know thats about as sweet as they ever get.. as they grow older it gets worse. hahahah. but i suppose thats why peter exhorts us to be as newborn babes- free of deceit, focused on the Lord alone.
you cant please everyone. no matter how close to perfect you might be, theres gonna be someone thats gonna pick you apart and dislike you no matter what. (and lets face it, all of us arent even close to perfect, what with all the mistakes we make haha). when people choose to pick you apart.. ive learn that the first thing to do is ask yourself whether or not the fault lies with you. if it does, admit that you are wrong, and move on. sounds simple eh..but not all the time! as i struggle with asking for wisdom to manage my human relationships, as i recognize that not everyone can forgive me my mistakes and shortcomings as easily as i have been forgiven in God's sight, i pray that i will appreciate this gift of salvation in a whole new and precious way.
i feel like there is so much that the Lord is trying to teach me at this moment..i pray that my heart be still enough to hear what He is trying to say.
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