the past week or so has made me realise how greatly blessed i am, far beyond what i could ever have hoped for. results came as a really really nice surprise and i truly do see His hand of grace guiding me and leading me from the time i studied for the a's till the time i took it and the time i got my results (: haha i got manymany verses and songs sent to me on the morning of results and zhihui reminded me to plan my response, (which was what i'd been praying hard about) to give thanks regardless of what lot He gave. and, im glad! haha i went mad during o level results but this time i didnt, and yea after about forty mins after it suddenly struck me that yes i have been blessed but theres so much more beyond just results! yup so i took on a new perspective, and for that i truly am thankful (:
haha then, on sunday when we were practising for the easter concert as i listened to the words of the songs and considered His sacrifice, i was reminded of how blessed in terms of the physical/material, but ALWAYS, so much more richly blessed in spiritual things. even knowing Him is an honour and privilege that i pray may never diminish in significance when i see the other things of the earth that sparkle.
and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace :).
wednesday and thursday was holidaying time! haha i went crazy but always reminding myself of His goodness and i learnt also what it means to pray for others, consider others and give of His love to those around me. during prayer meeting, Pastor brought up the idea of what it means to pray for mercy, to remind ourselves that God is NOT AN ATM MACHINE (haha okay i added that) and we do not claim mercy but it is His grace extended to us. thats a thought that i have to remind myself constantly of as i go through the daily routine of life, remembering that He's given me gifts and He's blessed me with so much i shouldnt be asking for more. instead, i should be asking for grace and mercy for help to use what He's given me to show others His love.
You have built yourself a fine fortress
And you're the only one who holds the key
You've resolved to pilot your own ship
And you decide what all the rules'll be
No more asking for answers
No more cries for help
You've been hurt for the last time
That's what you tell yourself
i don't know much more than this
But i know Someone who does
i was not there in your past
But i know Someone who was
i can't heal what lies within
But i know Someone who can
i know Someone who can
It's a drag living life like this
Believe me, I've been there a thousand times
Spending everyday on the defence
And building walls no one could ever climb
Till somebody showed me my fortress was a cage
He granted me my freedom
Since then i haven't been the same
i don't know much more than this
But i know Someone who does
i was not there in your past
But i know Someone who was
i can't heal what lies within
But i know Someone who can
i know Someone who can
So you can lock me out
Of your life as you've designed it
But i know there's peace and
i'll be on my knees till the day you find it
I know someone, I know someonei heard this song again when my ipod was on shuffle the other day haha i havent heard ginny and point of grace in ages! haha yea forgotten at one corner of my ipod. i remember the last time i felt a great burden in my heart for two particular people and as i prayed i saw the way He answered prayer and today? lets just say im amazed at the way they are ;) so! God does work miracles, and im waiting to see one today (: waiting, hoping, praying.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS FAMILY CAMP IS COMING!!!! im going crazyyyy haha with excitement ;) what great joy to learn what it means to really take up His cross and follow Him. i remember Pastor announced this year's theme to us just after last year's family camp and i was utterly amazed haha so yea its finally here im going to enjoy every ounce of it before i come back to tax returns and whatnot. haha but still, to find joy (:
"trust in the Lord and do good. dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness." -psalm37:3
that was my comfort when i began freaking out on monday cos i wasnt entirely sure what i wanted to do and whether i'd be able to get into the course of my choice. but yea i remember- feed on His faithfulness (: