the past week's been pretty eventful. haha i cant say if its a good or bad thing. but well. one thought to dwell on again-
"that we who first trusted in Christ should be, to the praise of His glory." -ephesians1:12
to the praise of His glory. ;)
little by little one step at a time, He's changing my heart and renewing my mind (: teaching me how to be patient and kind little by little one step at a time! (:
the past week's been pretty eventful. haha i cant say if its a good or bad thing. but well. one thought to dwell on again-
got into law! haha. i found out at 1am in the morning when my dad checked the law website. and i have to say that this particular experience with what the world would term a 'victory' was, well, different. instead of being my usual estatic scream alot and call everyone i know, i made thanking the Lord my first response. (maybe part of the reason was that i was too sleepy to jump around! haha but thats besides the point) even the subsequent days after the results i hardly told anyone, and that was rare cos im usually excited about everything and so rahrah most people just want to tell me to shut up already. this entire experience taught me about what it meant to wait on the Lord and praise Him for His love and faithfulness. during sunday school outing last night (which, i must say, had a TERRIBLE turnout 1/3 of the class!) auntie said that at the end of the day, its not about whether you get IT or not, cos He IS God you know, He can give and take away anytime He wants. its about what you learn through it, and if you can learn to wait on Him.