on the way to work today i spent some time reviewing Sunday's Message, taken from the book of Colossians. Pastor highlighted the different stages of faith that we go through:
1. Commencement of faith
- Heard of faith (Colossians 1:4)
- Love for all the saints (Colossians 1:4, 8)
- Bearing fruit (Colossians 1:6)
2. Complications along the way
- Danger of being deceived (Colossians 2:4)
- Danger of being cheated (Colossians 2:8, 18)
3. Completeness of faith
- To be able to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God (Colossians 4:12)
how i yearn for the day when i can stand before Him perfect and complete in faith. but today i am undoubtedly still in the midst of complicating situations of life. where can i find the Lord in this? i was and am so greatly encouraged that He promises perfection and completion despite all the obstacles i see ahead of me, and all the weaknesses i see in my heart and life. and as i pondered these things, ben shared this link with me, that really spoke to my heart today, on so many levels.
i was reminded:
1. that sometimes pain is necessary for the Lord to chip away the hindrances and the sins that are a part of me to mould me into the beautiful masterpiece He intended me to be.
2. that i should never let anyone or anything make me feel like im not good enough, cos He doesnt create junk
3. of a prayer that i made a few years back - that the Lord would never let go of me no matter the circumstances
Holy Week... all these truths shine even brighter when viewed against the backdrop of Christ and His sacrifice.. and more so when i remember that though today i feel like its only Friday, Sunday's Coming :)