found out choir rehearsals are on saturday afternoon every week now and though im really sad/disappointed that i dont get to go for ypg, i know the Lord is trying to teach me something through it so im just gonna learn to trust. and remember that in all i do i do it for Him, and it all i do i must find joy cos thats how He meant for us to be- abiding in the light and in joy! (:
and im really learning to appreciate my special friends and the older ones sososososo much more. the AMAZING amount of support i've received is just..unbelievable. and all the encouragement brings such an uplift to the spirit and its like just WOW
i think back on the past year on how i've fallen and how He's brought me back time and time again and im just. awe-struck. i still remember screaming like mad when chloe called me to tell me i got into the choir and i mustmust remember that He's placed me here for a reason and i know its through this channel that i can learn to sing, well better for Him and be able to reach those around me (: in much prayer for a few people and when i look at their lives firstly i thank the Lord that He took me from there and secondly i pray so hard that they may find that same, amazing sense of joy, rest and peace that i have found in Him (:
school's getting really tiring and all with all its burdensome problems, but in the midst of it i just cant help but feel His goodness and just.. smile. i've learnt that joy is not mad jumping around and craziness heh thats just HIGH but that quiet, peaceful, LASTING joy is just as, if not more precious than exuberant joy (: and thats what i've found and learnt this week!
the first week of school was really tough getting up at 5.40am is just reallyreally daunting and hard. but even though i almost half fell asleep i just kept at it and told the Lord i really want to follow after Him, i really want to find the physical and spiritual strength to live my life in the most dynamic way possible that would enable me to live the best through Him. and after sleepy monday, sleepy tuesday, sleepy wednesday..there came IAMSOAWAKEICOULDDOMASSPENOWANDNOTDIE alertness on thursday, and the exact, exact same thing this morning. and i was like. WOW. its just amazing what the Lord can do if you just dont give up asking, seeking and knocking. haha jia was telling us how her body alarm wakes her up at 5am without her wanting to wake up and spending that hour with the Lord just gives her the strength for the whole day and i was like EVENMOREWOW! ok so jia is officially my inspiration now to get up at 5.40am without the alarm clock! haha k it takes time but anyway (: its baby steps now spending half an hour each morning and over time shifting the timing by five mins earlier each time till one day i reach one hour! haha k but i reallyreally am thankful for the amazing measure of strength He's granted me (:
and yes getting things off my chest is a good thing.. and im just thankful for His people (: new verse of meditation- 2cor5:20! ambassadors for Christ- on and off King soil :D