kay im in the mood for updating now so good luck on listening/reading my droning about the conference!
day1: we all arrived at the airport with severely OVERWEIGHT luggage, josh's was like. 18kg or something. so we all started throwing our things out of the luggage and trying to stuff things into each others hand luggage. hahaha and i threw my half my stuff and my study Bible into everyone else's bag. hehe.
and josh drinks up this entire BOTTLE of evian to lighten his luggage. heh.
when we got there we received news that we had to get up at FIVEAM the next day. how disastrous right. this josh kept making so much noise and smacking my head in the bus. then we went to mok's recommended PINKY TAILOR, where the tailor indirectly told us to shuddup cos we were making too much noise. hehe.
suan lum next! the boys told us we could shop for two hours- one hour later they call us and tell us they finished and they want to follow us around. and boys are absolutely no help whatsoever in shopping. they just sit there, laugh at you for not being able to bargain and scold you for shouting "so cheap! so cheap!"
day2: we get up at FIVEAM, trudge down to breakfast and the bus leaves at SEVENTHIRTYAM. seriously. [we find out later that all this fiveam nonsense is to allow for stupid people that are always late. so punctual people like us, get PUNISHED cos we're so ontime.]
- i will not record the events of day2, because its not very good.-
day3: val and i walk into the room for the commission of revenue.
and we have icebreakers! haha. AND VAL HAPPILY SABOS ME. -will not record this event either-
val-mickey's special friend keeps shooting me dagger eyes cos im sitting next to him. darn. why does no one shoot him dagger eyes. HAHAHHAHA. okay its 10.10pm and im sleepy
day4: the singapore delegates do the english correction for the debators. haha. and we ask intelligent questions from the floor. hehe. and we come up with the draft resolution! which we finished in about half an hour. then everyone goes out to buy paper and all to make banners while val and i go and do our memo :'( which wasnt very successful cos he kept talking like this crazy dude
day5: we have an excursion! and it is very hot. we get to see a REAL parliamentary debate in the thai parliament house! unfortunately, we dont understand a thing. we wonder why we didnt get kicked out of the place. hehe.
then theres free time! all the rest leave us to do our memo, and we try to go shopping at night but to no avail. cos all the shops closed on us! and guess what the smart boys suggest we go to patpong market. VERY. val tells me to shut my eyes everytime he says "UP!" i have no idea why but okay i follow. hehe. people chasing the boys all round asking them if they wanna watch the pingpong show. SERIOUSLY. horrifying. i just ran to the shopping section. which was quite bad cos there wasnt anything to buy but well.
day6: we have our final presentations for the choosing of the draft resolution. val writes his speech five mins before the presentation, with hinder blasting in his ear:
and guess what the more impt pillars for the building of a country turn out to be? EDUCATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS. education sounds normal right, but NO its sex education and gay rights. hahahha IM SURE. the commission for trade and commerce so should have won. but well. haha
i had a good talk with jason about life and service and ecclesiastes and church. and he admits that he -thought- i was a bimbo. note: THOUGHT. i am not. hhaahahhaha. and i reminded me of bethany and how much i miss it! and how grateful i am to still be around God's people even when im not in singapore. these little reminders of His love for me (:
day 7: we go on a cool excursion!!! its really breezey and really nice, and in one of the palaces we went to, the aircon was on the floor!!! i was so excited. but then i realised it doesnt really make sense cos cold air sinks. heh. and this ramen ditched us for her memo! VERY.
and then we go for the really cool CRUISE that is so niceeee and i was enjoying the bus ride there when we realise we need to come up with an item. so jason and i are STUCK. and guess what we sang? MR BEASLEY by corrine may. im sure jason can sing that to a guy. but well. it was funny we just did some nonsense and it turned out alright. thankfully!
day 8: we do random things and SHOP LIKE MAD at platinum. haha. thea and i bought the whole place down! desiree, glenda, mich, ruizi, beekee, wanxuan, kennedy, mok and daniel zhang have arrived and we go to suan lum for dinner - BIG MISTAKE.
while the boys ditch us at night, thea and i walk around nichada [the expat community that is so pretty and nice and safe] and talk about alot of things. another reminder of the Lord's goodness in providing me with friends i can share a common faith with! (:
then when we get home, we spend the night puking and diarrhoeaing all the pad thai we ate at suan lum out. and start running a fever
day 9: thea and i roll around on the bed dying of fever while the boys laugh at us. then josh starts running a fever. and looks so sad and pathetic. hahahahha. val is the only healthy one when he was the one that started the germ-spread at the start of the conf!
day 10: we all wake up at 8am and drag val to church. ECB is a pretty okay church the last time i went, but sadly this time the message wasnt really substantial so thea and i were disappointed :'( then i remember how much i miss Bethany! :'(
after church we go for lunch and rushhhhhh to chatuchak to accelerate all our shopping. the boys have to be our excess baggage and we cant get rid of them. so i spend the two hours telling them to hurry up! haha. then we rush to get our nails done and val paints his nails BLUE. BLUEBLUEBLUE [he still thinks hes wolverine]
and then we rushrushrush to the airport where i discover that i have LEFT MY PHONE at my uncle's house. smart right. and the airport is forty mins away, and out flight is in half an hour. great! and by God's amazing grace, our flight is delayed TWO HOURS. amazing. hahaha so we eat burger king, and start groping our way back to the departure hall where the driver comes to deliver my phone :'( ramen ditches us yet again for her memo. haha. and after josh and val run around with me all over the airport, my hard lense falls into some section of my eye and val has to PUSH it back into position. painful. PAINFUL.
and then we finally come home. (: ramen has a big welcoming party consisting of: mommydaddybrotherboyfriend. josh has; mommydaddy. val and i have: nobody. :'( HAIYA.
but its okay, im home but i feel like puking more. so i thank God for journey mercies and sleep.
hhah okay end of my 9day-bangkok escapade! (: and truly the Lord has been good (: now i need more grace to understand crim law, legal theory and contracts! and driving :/ nvm. i will believe He is with me through all of this (: YAYE.