this is so funny i wanted to post this for super long. hahahah
rach: hello we meet at 630pm on sat okay?
if everyone agrees please reply with 'AYE'
benchong: AYE
ed: sure. CTE PIE BKE
peiyong: AHA.
rach's the true lawyer, and ben's on his way..and this edlyn is DRIVING all of us mad! (via the expressway) ok see you all at 6.30! :D
okay thats enough for comic relief of the day.
sometimes i think things would be so much easier if God would just appear in front of me / send His angels to tell me clearly, audibly, the path in which i should go. to help me make the otherwise unwise choices i would make in my life. but i wouldnt give up the joy of experiencing His gentle leading or the peace i feel in my heart when He directs my way thru people, thru His Spirit and thru His Word.
you know how sometimes you know you have to do something, but you have no strength to do it? Pastor always emphasizes the need to build a strong mindset, and its in my moments of weakness that i realize how completely true that is. i am weak, and i need to draw on the reservoir of His strength to be strong. it scares me when people accept that they are weak. i refuse to accept that i am weak. because He promised that He would be my strength and my sufficiency and that is a promise that will NEVER, be broken. after 20years on this earth, i thought i had accepted the reality of the fallibility of man, but still i choose to put my trust in things that dont last, and because i dont learn these lessons well, i must be taught them again.
and again and again and again. get it into your head and heart and mind and spirit that there are two constants in life- change, and Him. nothing else. as i read the Bible and the wisdom that oozes out from every page, i am utterly convinced that no amount of human wisdom could craft words like that, and it can only be the truths spoken from the very mouth of a Mighty Creator God.
and i am convinced. yesterday, today and forever- You are the same, You never change.
its this calm assurance that keeps me coming back. He's the only one that could ever really know me and love me just the same. (: