prom's over (: hahahahahahaha i am so proud of myself i really went in pants ;p wheeeeeee
i know i really didnt wanna go at first and i was really truly with ALL my heart dreading going there but i kept telling myself 'have faith, have faith' its tough to just trust in His providence sometimes but He knows what i need, and He never fails (:
i got an amazingly sweet letter from carol and i just wanted to say hahabao i love you -hug its really how in little things like that through very special people, He reminds me, time and again how much He loves me even when im being a jittery idiot (:
really, i had a great time (: i forgot my camera so i wasnt running around snapping photos heh people were just dragging me into theirs heh and alot of people were like -jawdrop- rach why arent you in a dress? okayyyy heh germaine looked the cutest! reallyreally (: and the fullerton washrooms are the NICEST :D
talked to thengs a bit after prom up in the dgroom which is pathetically small for $250 and yea it made me alot happier cos i found out it wasnt just me against well certain things people do these days and YESSS see He provides the people (:
its v tough to guard myself sometimes like when t chen kee was telling us about the judgemental spirit and i know i know im vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv guilty of that. i'll look at people and go 'hey, thats wrong' and its like grrr He doesnt do that what right do i have to do that? sometimes i really feel the evil one attacking me and alot of times the first reaction is not 'GO AWAY!' its 'oh. k im pretending i dont see you'
eurghhhhhhh i dont want to choose what junior college to go to i just wanna stay in sc forever and ever and EVER :'( its really hard sometimes to listen to His voice cos sometimes i think its either too soft or i just choose to shut it out. i NEED to fight that. grr stupid satan go away go away
i must listen to His voice. i have to hear if His voice says hwachong or ac. i need to hear.
the cover of an issue of seventeen says 'my best friend flew 2000 miles to get me a cd!' my issue of sixteen says 'MY best friend spent three hours nailed to the cross, blameless, just to get me my salvation.'
now i have to listen to my best friend.
ever His alone to be,
oh, what peace and blessed assurance,
that He has a plan for me!
before time began, He had a plan for me (: