I've lived a lot of life,
Seen so many things,
And I like to think,
Nothing surprises me,
So I try
To take it all in stride,
No matter what tomorrow brings
But Your plans for me
Aren't predictable,
And I find Your dreams
So incredible.
Never commonplace,
And in so many ways,
Always wild and wonderful
Oh, You keep me guessing,
Holding on tight
For the ride of my life
With You, all I can say,
There's no such thing as an ordinary day.
Since You write the script,
I must confess,
I don't always know
What will happen next,
Takes my breath away,
Takes a lot of faith,
'cause I don't know what to expect
Oh, You keep me guessing,
Holding on tight
For the ride of my life
With You, all I can say,
There's no such thing as an ordinary day.
Every time a new adventure unfolds,
I realise that I'm not the one in control.
Oh, You keep me guessing,
Holding on tight
For the ride of my life
With You, all I can say,
There's no such thing as an ordinary day.
the way He works through people, music and songs is just amazing (: haha ginny rocks!
honestly after today, i think i've seen enough miracles to last me a lifetime. it seemed like just yesterday when i last talked to my grandma about believing in Christ and then to her, 'easy believism' [all talk and no action] just seemed to be the way to go. and in the blink of an eye in the place of a NATO old lady [though i love her alot] i see someone else. still bubbly, still cheerful but theres this amazing spark of life that was never there before. i will never forget this day as long as i live. when she sat down at the lunch table and with my whole heart i can say the words she said in that short span of about two hours over lunch with all of us will remain like music in my ears always. i have absolutely no shadow of doubt that He can work wonders. as i watched her go on about His glory, how we must serve Him in each of our lives and not simply say the words, how we must remember that He can do everything [heal the lame, and cause the blind to see] and we cannot, how God gave her understanding the moment she came to full belief in Him and countless other things.
i didnt know what to say i just watched as she laughed and shared that same joy He gave her with me. half the time i pretended to be studying all the tears of joy and gratefulness welled up in my eyes cos honestly and truly with my whole heart, i know He answers prayer. He answered the ongoing prayer of long ago by bringing the old lady i love so much to the knowledge of Him and He answered the prayers i've been making the past few nights to once again draw me back to Him. anything is possible and in this really down part of my spiritual life, i am awed beyond anything and i can say-
theres no such thing as an ordinary day. (: