today's devotions was as follows:
26th July 2008 RBTS Romans Day 177
Text: Romans 8
“Subjected to futility…” Romans 8:20
When God made man, He made him out of the dust of the ground (Cf. Genesis 2:7). From the time God created man, the search for meaning in life began. The following questions have always been raised by the thinking individual?
1. What does it mean to be a human being?
2. What is the purpose of life?
3. Is there a destiny to be fulfilled?
4. Are there universal principles that govern life and the universe?
Paul revealed two very profound principles that help us understand life better in the following text.
“For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly,
but because of Him who subjected it in hope.”
Romans 8:20
1. The principle of “subjection to futility”
a) This principle was studied deeply by King Solomon.
b) He was affected deeply as he sought to fathom the principle of being subjected to futility.
c) Solomon’s own words were “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity”. (Cf. Ecclesiastes 1:2)
d) The sense of futility is heightened by the realization that man will have to die one day.
i) Wealth does not prolong life indefinitely.
ii) Wisdom is unable to give life forever.
iii) Power also does not extend life.
2. The principle of “subjection in hope”
a) Faith in God enables an individual to believe in His promise of eternal life.
b) However this eternal life with all its glory is not fully realized in our lifetime on earth.
c) Hope is all we have.
But a strong faith makes hope come alive!
everyone embarks on their search for the meaning of life at some point or other in their lives. some are content to brush it aside, others seek and seek with all their hearts and find at the end an open door, and His open arms.
with all the books on Christian apolegetics ive been reading recently, it just hits me over and over again that no amount of evidence will ever win someone to the Lord. and as my life unfolds, i am trusting in the perfect plans He has for me, though i cant see beyond to what He sees.
and not only that, He reminds me that im not alone. at our semi-sbone gathering comprising of four people (with seah as the extra from sb2) we started talking about belief and how you know you believe and stuff like that. haha. though we didnt reach a definitive conclusion on that (to which i simply say that when the Holy Spirit enters you, you will just KNOW IT) it really makes me happy when i get to talk to my friends from other churches that share a common love for the Lord.
yesterday when we went to watch ben and jojo at the Christian songwriters music showcase, it warmed my heart to see that in Christ, with Him as the rock solid foundation there really is one Body, one mind, one Spirit.
and i know we worship a God that is the same yesterday, today and forever. (: