Plug in your emotional battery, by Rick Warren
In our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most. Today's Devotional is based on this passage:
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'" (Mark 6:31 NIV).
Are you overwhelmed? Do you feel inadequate? Are you ready to blow at any moment? You can't love others in a godly way when you're at the end of your emotional rope. How many relationships have been ripped apart because the people involved failed to take care of themselves emotionally?
God's Word gives us three habits that can help us recharge emotionally when we have nothing left to give.
1. Solitude. Mark 6:31 says, "So many people were coming and going...[Jesus] said to them [the disciples], 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'" (NIV). Jesus understood that your emotions are like a battery. If you plug one lightbulb into a battery, it will last for a fairly long time. If you plug in 100 lights, the battery will drain very quickly. Many of you have so many lights plugged in, your battery is shot. You can't recharge anybody else—you can't give love—if your own battery is drained. You recharge when you get away by yourself.
2. Play. The Bible says, "Jesus came enjoying life" (Matthew 11:19 PH). He was the most people-focused, ministry-intensive person who ever lived, yet he took the time to have fun. Certain activities recharge you emotionally; they literally re-create your energy and enthusiasm for life. We all have different activities that recharge us because we're all made differently. Find out what recharges you emotionally and make time for it.
3. Laughter. Proverbs 17:22 says, "Being cheerful keeps you healthy" (GNT). Studies prove that when you laugh, it increases your number of T-cells, which raises your immunity level. Laughter is good for your health. Humor is God's gift to us. Remember, God has a sense of humor—he made you!
To be emotionally balanced, take God very seriously but don't take yourself seriously. Learn to laugh at your limitations. There is plenty of material. If you only laugh and enjoy life when your problems are all solved, you'll never enjoy life.
i enjoyed this devotion very much today.. especially in light of the fact that i am tottering on the edge of being pms-ey this week! my emotions are in a very vulnerable place, and every little thing has the potential to make me act up. pms and hormones, while a very true part of every woman's life, is no excuse to be snappy, impolite, cry-ey and unhappy. God created all of us with the potential to be healthy, happy, virtuous and hardworking women (see proverbs 31) like Naomi and Ruth. these unwelcomed hormonal reactions are just another way for the evil one to emphasize our weaknesses, and always, always something to fight against, to pray about and trust the Lord to bring us through.
and that is why this devotion spoke to me especially much today. last night was less of an awesome night for me. but as i rationally thought through how i was feeling, i realised that all i needed was to be reminded that i am loved. so as i put my head on my pillow, i closed my eyes and entered into the presence of the One Person i know Who loves me even if no one else does. that unconditional, constant, unchanging love. during these vulnerable periods.. all the more reason to enter into that secret place each time my fuse threatens to blow or the floodgates of unnecessary tears threatens to open.
but God is good! and He never leaves us unable. so take heart ladies.. God created us emotional so that we might better love others.. and that includes loving ourselves through loving and relying on Him. (: im gonna go plug in my emotional battery now. HAHA