im in a state of feeling very, veryveryveryveryveryveryvery stupid. from the silly answer i gave during sls:
"tell us about the attorney general"
me: "can i tell you about the attorney general's chambers instead?" [cos stupid me only found info on the AGC online]
"you wanna tell us about the chambers? okay."
NICE MICHAEL HOR. im so thankful he's a nice lecturer and didnt say something like 'thats complete rubbish.' [like someone i know]. but i still feel stupid.
but from sls right down to the lawr closed memo that i am trying so desperately hard to write now, i feel stupid.
and i think as i progress through school with people who are so smart and so informed they know every single thing about the singapore legal system, politics, the whos-who in the legal field and the government, who can finish their closed memo within 2hrs [ive taken like. six. and im only on my first draft], i really am learning what it means to depend on the Lord for His strength. right now, i honestly feel like im being pushed to the limit and ive a million and one things to do and im just so tired and bah. everytime i feel this crappy i just sit myself down and take a break. look through sunday school lessons, review what ive been taught- and pray. ive never felt so driven to pray, so motivated to rely on His strength and see Him as the centre of my life and the point around which all my world revolves. when i fail to look to Him, i feel the stress coming. i see the distractions flooding in, and i really,really feel like giving up. didnt help that i had such a horrific driving lesson today.
im holding fast to that thought- in Your presence is fullness of joy. and even though i feel like burying my head into my pillow and SCREAMING my lungs out, and crying my heart out, in His presence is fullness of joy. pray for strength, the whole armour of God. rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [psalm91:1] (: